Millions of people suffer from peripheral neuropathy. PN is a nerve damage condition that causes hand and foot pain. Studies show that exercise can help people with peripheral neuropathy. It allows them to experience pain relief.
Regular exercises help improve muscle strength and control blood and sugar levels. The exercises also reduce pain. Health practitioners recommend exercises as part of comprehensive treatment.
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves around the brain or the spinal cord. The condition can be due to trauma, infections, inherited disorders, and other causes. The severity of the disease often varies in individuals.
PN can affect anyone regardless of age, but some people have a greater risk of developing certain types of PN. It affects various body parts, and most of the symptoms are treatable. But this differs for individuals.
People who suffer from peripheral neuropathy experience several symptoms, including:
Tingling sensation
Muscle weakness
Poor balance
Inability to feel temperature or pain
Treatment options often focus on treating the underlying cause and providing pain relief. Studies show that exercises well enhance nerve function and boost nerve regeneration.
Physical therapy is vital for the management of PN. Exercise can help maintain strength, function, and mobility. This is regardless of the cause of the condition. The goals of exercise include:
To maintain and improve body functions through an enhanced range of motion
To strengthen muscles using weights and resistance training
To improve balance, which provides stability and helps prevent falls
Physical therapists often recommend splints or braces to improve posture and balance. A therapist will examine the patient's condition before developing an exercise plan.
Physical therapists recommend certain types of exercises for patients with peripheral neuropathy. Effective exercise routines include flexibility, aerobic, balance, and strength training exercises. A physical therapist or healthcare provider can create an exercise program ideal for your specific needs. It is crucial to warm up before you start the exercise routine. Stretching helps to increase blood flow and promote flexibility. It can also activate nerve signals and boost energy.
Health practitioners recommend the best exercises based on the patient's symptoms and general condition. Flexibility exercises, or stretches, help keep the joints flexible. They help lessen the risk of injury.
Strength training helps strengthen the muscles, making them more injury-resistant. Improving balance is vital for people with PN. Balance training can help reduce symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, and joint pain.
Exercise can help reduce pain and other symptoms associated with PN. Regular workouts help increase strength and flexibility. This helps in reducing pain due to muscle tightness. Stretching before you embark on any workout or exercise program is crucial. Mild pain is usual after exercise, but contact your doctor if you experience severe pain or develop swelling.
For more on the role of exercise in managing peripheral neuropathy symptoms, visit Pleasant Life Health Center at our Charleston, South Carolina office. Call (843) 428-7900 to schedule an appointment today.