Why Are My Hands Numb/Tingling?

Numbness or tingling in your hands is not always a cause for concern. It could indicate a medication side effect. If the numbness in your hands stems from a medical condition, you will usually experience other symptoms. But if the sensation becomes consistent, seek medical help. The issue could be mild or temporary. It could also indicate a nerve problem like neuropathy. Read on to learn more.


Compression Neuropathy

Pressure on a nerve along its course is compression neuropathy. The pressure can cause numbness and occur due to many causes. Swelling or bleeding can cause it. A nerve can also stretch due to an angled or displaced fracture. 


Nerve pressure can also arise due to tendon thickening in an enclosed space. Sometimes, the thickened edge of a tendon or fascia can cause nerve compression. It can also occur from soft tissue masses or when you have an abnormally located muscle.


Guyon Syndrome


The compression of your ulnar nerve at the wrist can cause tingling and numbness on the side of the pinky finger. It can cause grip and hand weakness in severe cases.


Compression of the Median Nerve at the Elbow and Nerves in the Neck

Median nerve compression at the elbow causes numbness in your palm near your thumb. You may experience weakness when bending your middle finger, index finger, and thumb tip. It is also like carpal tunnel syndrome with the addition of the mentioned symptoms.


The nerves in your neck can get compressed due to blood vessel abnormalities, infections, diseases, tumors, or arthritis. You can experience hand numbness, decreased reflexes, and weak muscles in your forearm and arm.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


The carpal tunnel is a slender passageway running through the center of the wrist. The median nerve is in the center of this tunnel and supplies sensation to the fingers. Performing repetitive actions like working on an assembly line or typing can pressure the median nerve and cause it to swell. That can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain in the affected hand. 


Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


The ulnar nerve extends from the neck to the hand on the pinky side. Nerve overstretching or compression can happen due to swelling after repetitive movement or excessive pressure placed on the elbow. Cubital tunnel syndrome can cause tingling and numbness, especially in the pinky and ring fingers. 


Peripheral Neuropathy 


With peripheral neuropathy, the end of your nerves is affected which may cause you to feel pain but will definitely cause you to experience constant numbness in the area. The common causes of neuropathy are often old age, alcoholism, and diabetes. Industrial compounds and metals can also cause poisoning that can lead to this problem.



We will perform an initial consultation as well as a physical exam and x-rays if necessary. In some cases, if the condition is beyond the scope of what we treat, you may be referred to specialists like neurologists, pain management specialists, or rheumatologists. In the case of a neuropathy diagnosis, we offer an exclusive, state-of-the-art treatment that aims to rejuvenate nerves naturally and return patients' hands/feet to normal function and feel. To start on a customized neuropathy treatment plan, get in contact with our team today.


For more information on hand numbness or tingling and if neuropathy is the culprit, call Pleasant Life Health Center at our Charleston, South Carolina office. Call (843) 428-7900 to book an appointment today.

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